Tips for a Home loan
Howdy you, well if you are visiting this blog then, you are one of the many people who have thought of owning a home. A home isn’t just a structure, to some it’s their dream, to some an investment or an asset. Whatever it may be, the one thing remain the same in all of them, i.e. money. And most of us here won’t be the riches, having tens of millions laying around. So, how do we get that millions. Here banks come to rescue with their loans. Here are the golden rules that you should consider before taking one.
Start Saving for Down-Payment-Yes, need to a part of the amount initially known as down payment, the more you pay initially lesser the interest shall be on the principal amount. So just take it up as a general rule that you pay at least 50% of the total amount as and down payment. So just plan early and start filling up piggy banks.
Check Your Credit Score-The most important requirement is the credit score. Credit score can just be oversimplified as the intention to pay back. If u have a score 750 and above, u get the most overwhelming interest rates. But with the lower ones u need to explore options. Credit score is easy to build up. Some timely payments to any company who gives you a credit will lead to building a good CIBIL score. It may be any thing, like you phone bills, credit utilities, credit card bills etc.
Get Your Financial Documents Ordered Up-Getting all the financial documents in a set is most crucial aspect in obtaining a loan. More than 30% of the loans are rejected just due to inadequate or inappropriate documents. Just go through all the terms and conditions properly and get your pages in order which define your wealth.
Always- compareAll banks provide different offers and run various schemes on various occasions. It’s best to compare between different interest rates. And just a cool tip, ask for loans during the feasts occasions such as Holi or Diwali. On these occasions banks usually take out their best offers, so make the best use of them.
Keep Loan Terms as Short as Possible-Just a clear suggestion, that banks tempt us into their low EMI on long term loans. It may seem a small EMI but for a long term, you will end up paying just as the same of the principal amount in interests. Bank levies compound interest, which will prove hefty in long run loans.

Clarify Between Fixed and Floating Interest Rates-.Most banks offers two types of interest rates one is fixed interest rate, in which are interest rate will be set by the bank with the agreement and all the amounts and EMI shall be calculated on the same. Hi Varun floating interest rates the EMI is depend upon the market Trend and the interest rate varies which may be higher or lower then the previous. In most of the cases is better to offer floating interest rate at the proof to be cheaper ones.
Paarth Infrabuild, Real Estate Developers, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
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