7 Facts you didn’t know about Lucknow

1. Lucknow is the second happiest city in India

Being Happy is not easy and as a fact, we Indians are not a very happy nation. But as they say – there is always scope to improve and yes, we have a lot of scopes to improve, and that prompts us to make this effort and rather a happy effort. And here is the survey conducted by ‘IMRB International’ and LG Corporation, Lucknow is the second happiest city in India just after Chandigarh. Well, the city of Nawabs is making its mark in the happiness of the nation and the fact is they are right there at the top.

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2. Hazratganj has no electrical wires

Hazratjganj is not only a shopping destination, it has a lot many more unique facts hidden. Located in the heart of Lucknow, there are NO electrical wires. Generally, these wires make us look down and have a lot many side effects to them but here we are in Hazratganj, NO electrical wires. The big question is where they are or are they there or not, yes they are there but the electrical wires are all underground which adds beautification to this area. A really interesting fact about Lucknow.

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3. Lucknow’s clock tower is the tallest in India

The clock tower is the heritage and is a landmark for every city, Bigben of London is a live example of the same. But why go London if we have the tallest clock tower of India right here in Lucknow. The clock tower is known as Husainabad Clock Tower is the tallest clock tower in India. It was built in 1881. This clock was built as a replica of the BIGBEN clock tower of London.

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4. Lucknow Railway Station

Lucknow Railway Station is the place where Mahatma Gandhi met Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru for the very first time in December 1916.

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5. Lucknow has the longest Race-course

The name itself sets our hearts beats faster. And if you can witness the longest racecourse with a whopping 3.5 Km of length. Not only we as humans, even the masters of the track, but The Horses would love this fact too. Established in 1880 makes the merry for a lot of us. What says next.

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6. Bara Imambara is the largest hall in Asia:

The construction of Bara Imambara hall was started with the sole purpose of employing the people. It took six complete years to complete this hall. The construction of this hall was completed in the year 1791. It is also the largest hall in Asia without any external support from wood, iron, or stone beams.

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7. Reservoir of Crocodile and Alligator

Kukrail Garden located in the city is said to be the largest crocodile and alligator reservoir in the Asian continent

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Apart from these there are many beautiful apartments and township as Paarth Republic, Paarth Arka, Paarth Aadyant and Aryavarta Empire where you can buy flats in Lucknow and live there. I hope you like these facts about Lucknow. Read More



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